Waste separation99
At Sava Re we separate waste, but as we are not the only owner in the commercial building, we do not have information on the volume of each type of waste. We are currently negotiating with the building manager on a system that will allow waste to be recorded separately, so that in the next reporting period, we will be able to report in accordance with the standards.
Old electronic devices (computers, batteries, printers, monitors, telephones and similar) are collected by an authorised contractor that ensures e-waste is recycled and non-ferrous scrap metal is properly collected.
All of the above waste was collected by authorised or registered waste collectors or processors at Zavarovalnica Sava’s locations. Obsolete electronic devices are removed by contractors who also provide for their replacement, or by outsourced repairers who service them. The amount of waste batteries is negligible (this waste is therefore collected for several years before it is handed over to the municipal waste service / waste separation).
Energy consumption100
Group companies do not use renewable energy sources. The main energy source is electricity (lighting, heating, air-conditioning). Another major energy user is the companies’ car fleet (fossil fuels).
The Group has not yet implemented a separate system for efficient capture and breakdown of such data, nor has it measured its carbon footprint.
In 2018, EU-based Group companies will introduce a system for the collection and classification of data on energy consumption and for the calculation of the carbon footprint.
Environmental, social, governance investing
On a daily basis, the financial department of Sava Re adheres to the environmental and social policy prescribed by the EBRD, and follows the ESG (“environmental, social, governance”) principles through negative screening. In building our investment portfolio we avoid investing in securities that might have harmful effects of any kind either on people or the environment, or that in any way deviate from the ESG principles. Part of our funds are invested in debt securities issued by international organisations such as the EBRD, the World Bank and the European Investment Bank, as we believe that these organisations invest in environment-friendly projects and in accordance with their environmental and social policies. We also invest in securities issued to fund green, environmental projects (so-called green bonds). In the future we would like to further develop our investment management policy and define it in more detail and in accordance with the ESG principles.