Key sustainable development guidelines and objectives for 2018

This is the Group’s first sustainability report. It was not possible to evaluate or report all the key aspects of sustainable business for this reporting period.
Special limitations are recorded in the GRI content index. In order to be able to provide for an adequate comparative analysis in the next reporting period, and in particular to monitor progress in the integration of sustainability values in our business, we have set out several concrete objectives for 2018:
  • to develop a strategy for the sustainable development of the Group;
  • to establish a selection system for suppliers based on sustainability criteria;
  • to participate in at least five investment conferences
  • to establish a system for monitoring energy consumption and environmental impacts (carbon footprint);
  • to integrate sustainability principles in at least two business processes;
  • to integrate environmental, social and governance criteria into the investment management policy;
  • to increase the company value for shareholders;
  • to improve and establish a corporate security system;
  • to identify psychosocial risks among employees and implement preventive actions;
  • to strengthen employees’ digital literacy;
  • to digitise insurance services;
  • to develop or revamp at least one insurance product that promotes sustainable development;
  • to raise energy awareness among employees;
  • to promote healthier lifestyles among employees;
  • Human rights due diligence;
  • to purchase company vehicles with low CO2 emissions;
  • to renovate the business premises at Sava Re headquarters in line with sustainability guidelines
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