While we did not directly include our key stakeholders in the preparation of the sustainability report in the reporting period 2018, we recognised and highlighted, through their previous cooperation and based on the assessment and experience of our professional services, those areas of particular interest to them. As we are well aware of the importance of involving stakeholders in sustainable development and reporting, this will be one of the goals in future reporting.
We cultivate responsible and sincere relations with all our stakeholders. In doing so we follow the recommendations and rules of public reporting, the code of ethics and internal rules. Additionally, we seek out opportunities to simplify access to information and opinion sharing, making use of information technology, which is unconstrained by time and space.
In the Sava Re Group, employees, policyholders, cedants, shareholders, prospective investors, regulators, unions, communities, suppliers and the media are recognised as the stakeholders that play a key role in its existence and successful operations.
80: GRI 102-40, 102-42, 102-43, 102-44, 102-46