Sustainable development


Key sustainable development guidelines and objectives
The Group has prepared a sustainability report for the second time. Part of the objectives set in the first report were achieved.
The Group has prepared a sustainability report for the second time. Part of the objectives set in the first report were achieved.

The sustainable development principles have been incorporated into some business processes (recruitment, sponsorships and donations, fair practices, etc.), while they are gradually introduced into other processes (purchasing process, investment management policy, etc.).

In 2018, employees were encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle and take care of their personal and professional growth and development through various measures.

By investing in prevention, sponsorship and donations, and through voluntary projects, we took care of local environments and do our best to help less privileged target groups.

In 2019, we will continue to maintain good practices that are already followed in the area of sustainable development. The following serve as the key guidelines we wish to follow and thus exercise a more sustainable impact on society and the environment in which we operate.
Key sustainable development guidelines and objectives for 2019
Sustainable development strategy
Development of a Group sustainable development strategy
Introduction of the sustainability principles into all Group companies
Appointment of sustainable development owners in all Group companies
Establishment of a network of sustainable development owners in the Group
Responsibility to employees
Identification of psychosocial risks among employees
Implementation of preventive activities based on findings related to psychosocial risks
Evaluation of employee commitment to and adoption of appropriate measures
Responsibility to the community
Participation in preventive projects and programmes
Identification of less privileged groups in our environment to help them
Promotion of corporate and employee volunteerism
Sustainable operations
Establishment of a common investment management policy of the Group
Adherence to environmental, social and governance principles of sustainable development in investments
Inclusion of sustainability criteria in the product development process
Development or renewal of at least one insurance product that promotes sustainable development
Environmental impacts
Establishment of a system for monitoring energy consumption
Greenhouse gas emission reduction
Waste minimisation