Disclosures on management approach
Reasons for omission/notes
GRI 201: Economic performance
p.6.3, p.10.1, p.10.3, p.10.4, p.10.5, p.13, p.20.3.1, p.20.3.3, p.20.3.4, p.20.3.5
Direct economic value generated and distributed
Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change
p.2.2, p.8.1, p.13, p.20.1
Defined benefit plan obligations
Financial assistance received from government
Proportion of senior management hired from the local community
GRI 203: Indirect economic impacts
Infrastructure investments and services supported
Major indirect economic impacts
GRI 204: Procurement practices
Proportion of spending on local suppliers
Operations assessed for risks related to corruption
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken
Sava Re,
Zavarovalnica Sava,
Sava pokojninska
Energy consumption within the organisation
Sava Re,
Zavarovalnica Sava
GRI 306: Effluents and waste
Sava Re,
Zavarovalnica Sava,
Sava pokojninska
Waste by type and disposal method
Sava Re,
Zavarovalnica Sava,
Sava pokojninska
GRI 308: Supplier environmental assessment
New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria
Sava Re
Proportion not disclosed.
Employment and fluctuation
GRI 403: Health and safety at work
GRI 404: Education and training
Average hours of training per year per employee
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunities
Diversity of governance bodies and employees
p.5.3.2, p.10.3.1, p.13, p.20.3.3
Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men in all employee categories
GRI 413: Local communities
Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs
GRI 414: Assessment of supplier in terms of impact on society
Sava Re and Zavarovalnica Sava
New suppliers that were screened using social criteria
Sava Re and Zavarovalnica Sava
GRI 417: Marketing and labelling
Requirements for product and service information and labelling
Non-compliance with laws and regulations