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Sustainable development

In its strategic plan for the period 2017–2019, the Sava Insurance Group incorporated sustainable development as one of its key pursuits and made a commitment to make it an integral part of the business processes in this period.

In accordance with the GRI standards the Sava Insurance Group sustainability report 2019 analyses three aspects: economic, social and environmental.
Environmental aspects
The essential contents of the Sava Insurance Group sustainability reporting*
Economic aspects (GRI 200)
Economic performance
Market presence
Indirect economic impacts
Procurement practices
Prevention of corruption
Social aspects (GRI 400)
Recruitment and staffing levels
Employee training and development
Management and motivation
Health and safety at work
Customer relations / responsibility to consumers
Relations with suppliers
Local community
Marketing and labelling
Environmental aspects (GRI 300)
Waste disposal policy
Supplier assessment
GRI 102-47
As sustainable development remains one of our priorities in the next strategic period 2020–2022, we have prepared and adopted the “Sustainable development strategy” in cooperation with all Group subsidiaries.

Key sustainable development guidelines and objectives

In its 2018 report the Sava Insurance Group presented its sustainability goals, most of which have been achieved:
The sustainable development strategy was adopted, with all Group companies involved in its drafting.
We established a network of sustainable development owners, with all companies actively joining their efforts.
We organised a number of preventive projects and actively participated in projects taking place in our communities through sponsorships and donations.
Through numerous benefits and measures we motivated employees for a healthy lifestyle and preventive health care.
We integrated ESG criteria into our processes, primarily into our investment policy, but they are being introduced also into underwriting and development of insurance products and services.
Our first measurement of greenhouse gas emissions took place and we are preparing measurements for all Group companies.
We invested in energy efficiency improvements.

Objectives for 2020

The adopted sustainable development strategy will be launched in financial year 2020. Based on the Global Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, the Sava Insurance Group decided that in the next strategic period the sustainable development activities would be linked to health and well-being.

In the main, the sustainable development activities will be:
involvement of stakeholders in the identification of the relevant content that will inform sustainable development objectives with the participation of stakeholders from the entire Group;
progressive integration of ESG criteria as a decision-making tool, in particular in product development, assumption of risk and investment management, and production of associated documentation;
systematic measurement of the realisation of sustainable development goals and a catalogue of key performance indicators for 2020 for economic, social and environmental aspects;
agreeing and coordinating corporate campaigns with all subsidiaries, which will be aimed at promoting a healthy and quality lifestyle.

Sustainable development strategy for the period 2020–2022

The Group’s objectives and its sustainable development strategy are rooted in its values, mission and vision. The goal of the Sava Insurance Group for the strategy period is for its stakeholders to recognise it as:
a socially responsible insurance and reinsurance company, and a socially responsible and credible partner,
a socially responsible asset and equity manager,
a socially responsible and attractive employer,
an organisation that is socially responsible to the wider community.
We will pursue this goal by supplying transparent and comprehensible products over a wide sales network with a well-trained sales force, through transparent and effective processes (business digitalisation). This will contribute to improved customer satisfaction and will boost satisfaction, innovation and motivation among our employees.